Travel Planner App Design


This is a self-driven project that I usually do in my free time. I like to create concept projects that solve my problems while using apps. This time I took on the travel planner app based on my personal experience. I found it wasting time to input the information manually and sometimes causing mistyping. As a result, I conducted simple user research and create a design that not only solves the problem but also optimizes the whole experience.

Client: Case Study
Date: 2019-08-30
Services: UX Design, UI Design, App Design

User Research

To learn more about other users’ perspectives, I interviewed 10 users and asked them about their experience when planning a journey. I defined my target users as young adults and noted down users’ pain points by user journey map.


User Journey Map


Final Project


On the main page, you can check on your scheduled plans on the upper side by sliding left and tap on them to see further details.

As e-tickets are more common nowadays, people can check their flight tickets immediately on the main page. So they don’t have to waste time searching e-tickets from tons of emails.

Schedule Page

To solve the user’s problems and optimize the user experiences, I mainly focus on the schedule page. I applied the function that links the travel information with the app. As a result, people can simply search on google and save it to this app, which reduces the possibility of mistyping and is efficient.

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